BOBtalks... An Eneslow Conversation
BOBtalks... Rocker Soles featuring Hoka and Hartjes
The Shoes We're Wearing Tells Our Story!
05. Footwear should match each individual’s functional and comfort needs
09. Optimum Footwear for all lifestyles and conditions
13. Fitting Foot Shapes 14 Shoes must MATCH foot
17. The Last is First
21. Check Fit
01 - 02. The shoes we’re wearing tells our story!
06. Footwear as Fashion Accessory STYLE SELECTION
10. Why is wearing the right shoes so important?
14. Shoe must match foot
18 Test for Proper Fit A
22 Check Shoe Fit from Sitting to Standing with Shoes On
03. Our worn shoes offer footwear solutions
07. People with problem feet want to wear pretty shoes custom
11. Pedorthic Forensics Our footwear and our life on Earth
15. Heel to Ball Arch Fitting
19. Test for Proper Fit B
23. - 26. Check Shoe Fit from Sitting to Standing with Shoes On
04. Comfort and Endurance Our shoes make all the difference!
08. Comfort and Endurance Our Worn Shoes Tell Our Story
12. Shoe Shape Should Match Foot Shape
16. Evaluate Shoe Fit Shoes On
20. Shoes On Check Heel and Toe Fit