Course will offer up to 32 Scientific Category 1 points: to pedorthists, orthotists, prosthetists, & C.Ped© Tech Certified Pedorthic Technician (Canada), CFts; and CFo - Category 2
The course schedule provides classroom, fitting stool, workshop, sales and medical marketing training:
- Welcome and Introductions: vision and mission, schedule and locations, roles and responsibilities, testing and attendance, logistics, personal introductions
- Fit, Function, and Fashion: history, culture and psychology of Footwear
- Shoe Anatomy: lasts, shapes, components, materials and designs
- Shoe Construction: Manufacturing and fabrication techniques and systems
- Worn Shoe Evaluation; Foot type, size and shape versus shoe style, size and shape for best footwear options
- Worn Shoe Evaluation lab; Physically evaluate and identify worn shoes as critical clues to provide optimum footwear benefits
- Foot Aides and Ready Made Orthotics; Foot deformities, biomechanics, footwear, modifications
- Sports and Sports Injuries; Biomechanics of sports, and overuse injuries
- Athletic Shoes; Biomechanics, injuries and product style selection
- Pedorthic Assessment and Treatment: Review of biomechanics, worn-shoe evaluation, information-gathering to provide optimum footwear and related products
- Shoe Fit Lab; Physically evaluate and identify worn shoes as critical clues to provide optimum footwear benefits
- Internal Modifications and Techniques: Utilize pedorthic assessment to fit, modify and dispense foot orthotics, and other internal shoe modifications
- Internal Modifications and Techniques; Practice and utilize pedorthic assessment and fit, modify and dispense foot orthotics, and other internal shoe modifications
- Safety; Learn how to prevent accidents and injuries and follow OSHA and legal guidelines for maximum safety
- External Trouble Shooting Techniques; Practice using pedorthic workshop tools to fabricate and adjust external shoe modifications
- Orthotics; Biomechanics, injuries, and product material, design and style selection; footwear factors
- Orthotics; Product selection, fabrication, fitting, adjusting, based on footwear, comfort; trouble shooting
- Orthotics; Fitting,, trouble-shooting, footwear factors
Eneslow’s faculty includes orthotic technicians and pedorthic professionals who fabricate, fit, and modify foot orthotics every day and have been teaching aspiring foot orthotic technicians since 1995. Foot orthotic training is conducted in state-of-art foot workshop at Eneslow’s world headquarters in New York City.
Come learn from the best and add these important skills to your portfolio of capabilities.